Baldinini tvorba eshopu

Eshop for a luxury fashion brand

Prestashop, custom web design, custom shopping process

Project overview

For an Italian fashion brand, we designed an exclusive online store built for the worldwide sale of fashionable leisurewear.

Tvorba eshopu Baldinini

Project challenges

prestigious eshop needs an exclusive touch

Since Baldinini is a prestigious brand, we couldn’t leave anything to chance. We have worked out every, even the smallest of details. We preliminarily prepared it for a dozen language versions. Since it was likely that not only the leisure collection would be sold through this e-shop, but gradually the complete Baldinini range would be added, we had prepared various filters and other important features for this online shop during the development process. We have not neglected the ease of purchase, for which we have also modified the shopping cart and the shopping process, since the basic Prestashop functionality in this field was unsatisfactory.

Web design

Web design / UI /UX

Programovanie na mieru

Web coding

Nákupný proces

Purchasing process

Mobilná verzia

Mobile responsivity

Eshop na mieru -prestashop

Graphic design

When designing the graphics, we were coming from the client’s requirements to design the simplest and easy to navigate design in black and white colors, while putting the emphasis on the luxury of the range offered.

Made for mobile

Improved mobile user experience

In the clothing sales segment, it is generally the case that the customer chooses clothing on mobile in vast majority of cases. We have adapted the size of the components and the structure of the controls for the mobile resolution. We have also made the product filtering much better organized so that even a mobile visitor can navigate throughout the website and shop easily.

Eshop mobiná verzia

Baldinini Apparel thumbnails


Webdesign pre eshop
Grafika pr einternetový obchop
Grafika pre shop
Tvorba eshopov - košík na mieru


Eshop na mieru
Tvorba eshopu na mieru
Filtrácia produktov pre shop
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